Arbikie Highland Estate Ticket Portal

Gift Vouchers Whisky Experience Voucher for 1

Whisky Experience Voucher for 1

Whisky Experience Voucher for 1


Highland Rye is the world’s only Rye Scotch Whisky. Grown, distilled, matured and bottled right here on Arbikie Highland Estate, land we have been farming for four generations.

Join us on a tour and take in the views of our golden crop fields where our whisky journey begins, learn about the different grains we farm, feel the heat from our cooper pot stills and take in the aromas of maturing casks from our traditional dunnage warehouse.

Once equipped with the knowledge of how our whisky is made, take some time to join one of our ambassadors overlooking Lunan Bay Beach, and enjoy a tutored tasting of three drams including expressions of our 1794 Highland Rye Single Grain Whisky. 

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